Indianapolis, IN
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass - it's about learning to dance in the rain.... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Penny
New Life Assembly Of God
Columbus, TX
Have been meaning to check your website for ages. Love its directness and all the photos. Given me ideas for my own. Good luck with the new course... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Paula
Bowerman Carrie LCSW
Denver, CO
knowing what you went through you have made me very proud the way you have turned your life around and achieved all the goals that you've aimed for... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Kim
MacGregor- Mr. George- LCSW
Montville, NJ
I feel humbled and honoured to have met you at the Mind,Body Spirit Exhibition at Plinston Halls in Letchworth today. You are an inspiration and are... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Anthony
PCH Medical Center
Long Beach, CA
Really good professional website. You are a very inspiring person. I do hope we can be good friends I am doing a counselling course shortly. I hope... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Dom
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Have you even been experiencing dizzy spells coupled with hot flushes?You may ignore this condition from time to time especially when you are feeling like this more often than not. But you are suffering anxiety panic attacks. Yes, you heard it right! Those are symptoms of an anxiety attack which can actually deteriorates you without noticing of having such condition. If this condition is not treated right away, a sufferer may develop a feeling of helplessness.

I know how you...

The cognitive processes such as thinking, imagining and other related mental aspects play a vital role in the infusion of depressants in an individual’s life. The sufferer starts believing in negative self and plans his actions around it. The depressed person traps himself into a self-fabricated labyrinth, develops self-rejection and finds himself alienated from the society. This turns into serious hostility towards society. The person starts feeling hatred towards others...

If a person has a phobia or fear of something that he feels he must handle as it becomes a problem with living his life then he may find the below data of greatest interest.

Phobias, fears and many disorders can be handled drug-free, but sometimes a change in life-style might be of help or needed. If you keep on hitting your head on your door frame, it might be good to enlarge the door or move. You know what I mean.

If you have an uncontrolled fear of...

© 2009 by John D. Moore with

What is PTSD?

PTSD is the acronym for a clinical condition known asPost Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. Typically, the traumatic event is one in which the fear for your life or the life of another person. Commonly, others who have been diagnosed with PTSD report that they felt as if they had no control over what was happening or the situation...

Would you like to learn the fastest way on how to beat fear from the Free From Fear Guide ? The owner of this system has claimed that his cure method has helped thousands of people overcome their greatest fears in their lives and allowed them to accomplish their life goals. People who have tried this system have testified that they are no longer afraid of failure anymore when it used to be their biggest problem.

1. Testimonials Given by Users of the Free From Fear System

Self mutilation is very difficult to understand from the prospective of people who have never experienced the behavior themselves. For family members or friends of someone who self mutilates, it is terrifying, confusing, and frustrating.

There are various definitions of self mutilation, and even plenty of names for this type of behavior. The self mutilation referred to in this article involves the direct and deliberate destruction or alteration of the body. This type of...

In addition to lucid dreams, there are five main types of dreams - normal dreams, daydreams, false awakenings, nightmares and psychic dreams. Consider the features of each of these hypnotic states and how each can take you into the phenomenal world that is lucid dreaming.

1.    Normal Dreams

While the term "normal dreams" may seem like a contradiction, it simply refers to your usual types of dreams when you don't know that you are dreaming....

Economic Recession

An economic recession is ugly. Consumers lose their jobs, lose their homes, file for bankruptcy and tighten spending. Businesses shed jobs, cut wages, lay-off employees and collapse. Lending institutions have trouble collecting from debtors and this dries up their liquid assets. Investors see drops in profits and nervously pull their money out. As a result, our Gross Domestic Product declines and our nation as a whole becomes poorer. Is there no end in...

9 Ps are power, personality, popularity, property, post, position, physic, prosperity and pleasure are not permanent.

Building a castle of luxury, peace and happiness on the foundation of above nine things can tumble down at any point of time. They were not reliable and ever lasting. They used to change their color with time; they used to shift from one person to other without notice. Do not make them as your permanent shelter of happiness. They were quite insensitive, emotionless...

Psychics around the world provide a number of types of readings. The most obvious technique is of course to meet the individual in person and discuss his or her problems and possible solutions. But in this age everyone doesn’t have the time to spend time personally with a psychic . The telephone and the internet have come to the rescue of people with a time crunch. Most psychics today have their own website where you can get more detailed information about them. Readings are also...

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