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its an excellent site. Dont forget to add us to your links.....and dont forget the cake!!!! Baz xx ... (more)
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YOU`RE FABULOUS :-)always an inspiration.You will acheive everything you set out to do in life,always see the positives and have a way of helping... (more)
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I feel humbled and honoured to have met you at the Mind,Body Spirit Exhibition at Plinston Halls in Letchworth today. You are an inspiration and are... (more)
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New Life Assembly Of God
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Have been meaning to check your website for ages. Love its directness and all the photos. Given me ideas for my own. Good luck with the new course... (more)
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Really good professional website. You are a very inspiring person. I do hope we can be good friends I am doing a counselling course shortly. I hope... (more)
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Snoring is seen as a typical problem that ultimately has no near solution and people who snore are left to carry on with it. It is seen as a problem when you are enjoying your sleep in the middle of the night and your bed partner starts snoring. In case you are dead annoyed with the snores, take to the root cause of it and study the implications of the snoring especially to others; you will see how important it is to embrace the no more snoring slogan.

By trying to locate the real cause of snoring can be a positive step towards stopping snoring. There might be complex ways to help in eradication of snoring, but it is worth your effort to try on the very simple and non-invasive therapies or treatments of snoring.

There are things you can do to ensure that there is no snoring so that you do not cause unnecessary disturbances to your bed partner. Since you have taken snoring as your number one problem, try the following and see how good and important is it saying, "No more snoring".

  • Weight loss: in case you are overweight, losing or shedding off some of your weight is a plus and can prove to be an effective way to cure snoring. Weight loss cures both mild and moderate snoring effectively and ensures that a slight drop in fatty tissues in your throat is achieved hence stopping or preventing snoring.
  • Trying to sleep on your side: if your snoring is heard when you sleep with your back, then it is important you try sleeping on your side. This might prove a turning point to your snoring problem hence inviting a no more snoring environment in the bedroom.
  • Elevate or raise your head: sometimes snoring may be as a result of a bend neck. It is good to elevate you head at least 4 inches so that you reduce the pressure on the neck and make breathing easy; this can also allow the free movement of your jaw and tongue up and down.
  • Do not eat some foods, medications and alcohol: it is true that some medications and alcohol help improve relaxation of your throat and muscles of the tongue, this plays part in your snoring. Taking pills in order to slip makes your sleep comfortable but also necessitates snoring. Foods rich in high fats like milk products encourages mucus to form in your throat leading to snoring hence making no more snoring lack meaning. Try and look at your diet and medication and you will see how easy it is to stop snoring.

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