How Fathers From The Past Have Paved The Way For Father's Rights

Father's Rights have come a long way since even just a decade ago.  When I started with clients 20 years ago, I dealt with a lot of fathers that felt used and abused by their ex-wife, her attorney, and the courts.  But knowing that you're not alone in your fight for custody and fair child support payments can be a considerable help when it comes to getting on your feet and fighting for your rights.

With the internet and increased communication all over the nation, it is easier now than ever to connect with other fathers who have been in the same boat as you.  Thousands of dads have taken their ex-wives to court to fight for custody of their children, lowered child support payments, and fair division of property with their ex.  And when you want to learn something, who better to learn it from than from someone who has been there, done that.

When you're dealing with your ex-wife and her attorney in divorce court, you may have the overwhelming feeling that the whole world is against you.  You might think that all judges are pro-mother, all courts are against fathers raising their kids, and that everyone thinks you're just a cheapskate or a deadbeat dad if you want your child support obligations lowered.  But we all know that that is not the case.

Remember, many fathers have been in the exact same position you're in.  At times, they have felt hopeless, emotionally and financially drained, and stuck.  But knowing the system and how to manipulate it in your favor will drastically increase your chances of getting what you want--and more!--from your divorce court settlement.