Do You Want to Increase?

Dear Reader,
I was listening to a teaching one time and the guy was talking about having a growth mindset. The reason why I thought is was cool is because I already have a growth mindset, and I learned from it. I am growing every day.

If you want to increase in your life the first thing you have to do is believe that you can increase. Then you have to convince your mind that you believe that you are increasing in every area of your life because your mind will try to talk you out of it. I am getting better at speaking positive words over my life because I know the power of the spoken word.

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. As a person thinks of himself, so is he.

Are you rich? Are you growing? Do you think money is evil? Do you know that heaven is made of gold and precious jewels? Do you know that most people that win the lottery blow the money in a year or two? These people have a spirit of poverty around them that causes them to blow their money instead of investing it. Did you know that many millionaires and even billionaires started with nothing more than a growth mindset and a vision to be more than what they could see with their natural eyes? These people did not accept that they didn’t have anything. They said to themselves, “I am better than this. I can own corporations. I can rule cities. I can become whatever I want to be and nobody can stop me.” That is how I am now. You can’t stop success from coming to me. I can only stop it from coming to myself. But I am not going to do that. I will keep calling those things which be not as though they were. (Romans 4:17)

Maybe you think you can be rich without God. Maybe you think the Bible has nothing to do with you. Maybe you are already rich and have no desire to know God. Well, I know that isn’t true because you are still reading this. You want to know that God will not condemn you for the things you have done. You don’t want the church to take your money. Well, the principles of giving and receiving in the Bible are the same principles you use right now. You just didn’t know that they came from the Bible. Think about it. You believe in karma right? You believe that what you do to others will come back to you right? Well, this principle of sowing and reaping is from God, and is for every area of your life, including finances. When you give money away, more comes to you. No it doesn’t come back that second, but how many years has it taken God to receive His harvest? God gave his only Son so that He could reap many sons (all of us.) And all of us have not turned to Him yet. In fact, many never will. But He has still gotten a pretty good return on His investment so far. He gave one life, and received back billions. You can make money without God, but He wants you to become his son or daughter.

You already know you can speak to money and that it has to come to you. Why miss out on heaven; the greatest, richest place in the universe. I am going. If you dream big, God will give you big. He put His nature inside of us. We are like little gods, because we are made in His image. He loves everyone, He just wants us to accept what He did for us, and allow Him to be our guide instead of us being our own guide.

God has a plan for you. Don’t live your entire life without him. Let’s grow and develop together.

To your success,
Andrew Hittle