Depression -An Analytical View

Depression is a bipolar mood disorder generally characterized by profound unhappiness that usually lasts very long. People suffering from depression have a very pessimistic attitude towards life and they lose interest in the routine affairs and small pleasures of life. They feel extremely sad and you suffer from a severe lack of energy coupled with a general feeling of worthlessness. Defunct physical and mental state, lethargic attitude etc. are some prominent indicators of depression.

Depression has become an inevitable part of contemporary highly programmed society. It’s a very common term in current scenario. Depression contributes to maximum number of suicides today. The major concerns are: what actually turns an individual to take life-ending decision? Is any particular problem bigger than life? How does an individual get entrapped into such a seriously fatal web? The answer to all these questions requires a multi-dimensional and deeper analysis of the complexity.

Depression is a relative concept; it prominently depends upon factors like age, sex, socio-economic status, and socio-psychological state. For example every age group has its own set of depressants. During childhood, depression is said to be least and some mild stress may be caused due to academic pressure only. Ironically the graph of depression becomes steeper in adolescence and an individual suffers severely during this stage. Adolescence is popularly called the phase of storms as this is recognized by abrupt physical and mental changes. The individual is confronted with too many unacquainted challenges and finds it really difficult to handle them. This is the intermediate stage between childhood and adulthood. Hence the individual regains in dilemma regarding his interaction to surroundings. This leads to a state called an “identity crisis” in which the “appropriation of self” becomes tougher for the victim. The feeling of being unique makes the problem even worse. No wonder that the major chunk of suicide attempts belongs to this age group. Adulthood depression is primarily concerned with marital malfunctioning or professional setbacks. Sometimes excessive family pressures and functional onus is also a cause for the depression. Several old aged problems like improper adjustment with the changing world, generation gap, physical inabilities; retirement problems are also some of the important causes of depression among many old people.

In most of the societies women are found more vulnerable to depression as they are being dominated since Stone Age. This dominance has developed a inferior psyche in them. Different role demands of society often pave the way for depression to occur. These demands include cultural and societal demands. In most of the underdeveloped economies cases of depression are even more because of deprived socio-economic status. Even the basic requirements like food and shelter are often not fulfilled. This may result in a generation of suicidal tendencies.

The above discussion analyzes the different factors responsible for depression in the modern societies. A very careful and close monitoring is required to curb the various depression-causing agents. A philanthropic approach is needed to fight this medical condition.