Law Of Attraction And Our Thought Power

What we think about the most in our mind will create powerful thought energy and be send to the Universal Mind. By sending these focused thoughts, we are going to attract something. The Law of Attraction will have to create something out of this energy.

When we think too much about something, the Law of Attraction assumes we are wanting it. The Law of Attraction then continues to make things happen so that the focus we had in our mind will be manifested into our own world.

Law of Attraction Concept:What we focus on expands

One of the Law of Attraction concept is called what we focus on expands. The more we think about something, the more it will start to grow.

There are two kind of thoughts as we know, one is strong thought and the other is weak thought. Weak thoughts does not manifest while strong thoughts will manifest. Thinking about something by focusing on it will create strong thoughts. The Law of Attraction will consider every strong thoughts that we send to the Universe.

Although we are saying no to something we are thinking about the most, it does not mean we are avoiding it from being attracted by us. The Law of Attraction does not understand when we say we do not want. It thinks we want because we are focusing on it. As result, these thoughts will be send back to us in physical form by the Law of Attraction.

Using Law of Attraction To Manifest

The secret to manifest what we want using the Law of Attraction, we must send out positive and strong thought. Positive means focusing on what we want instead of what we do not want. Strong thought means well focused on the purpose of manifesting it. In our mind, we must first feel the benefit we will get once our desires are manifested by the Law of Attraction.