Law of Attraction - Help You Get Through a Crisis Situation Part II

Expand Your Comfort Zone and Take Inspired Actions:

If you truly believe that due to certain reasons that what you want has to wait or you are unable to do it now, you need to expand your comfort zone and take actions. Taking action doesn't mean jumping in blindly, without learning to swim, but it also doesn't mean that you need to know everything before you start.

Be humble:

Listen to others' advice and give it a try, because if you truly know everything, you would be God.

The book, "The Attractor Factor," by Joe Vitale shows you an easy 5-step way to achieve what your heart desires.

Have No Expectations:

Don't expect anything for something you do. Don't expect people to apologize to you, don't expect that if they do apologize it means they won't do it to you again, and don't expect people will always do as they say.

You do it simply because you want to do it and you said you would do it. Remember that not everyone has the same ethics as you do.

Freedom of Choice:

Remember! You are not God and other people are allowed to have their opinions despite the fact you disagree with it. You DO have choice to be with the right kind of people on the same path with you, seek them out.

Find a Support Group:

If you don't have friends or family support, don't hesitate to find a mentor or join social network to get your support base started.

Help Is On The Way...Be Open to Receive It:

Don't worry about how to get the money, because they are many ways you can get what you need without money, such as exchange services. Be creative and ask around for advice. Participate in networking groups, read new books on the subject. Help comes in many forms and may not just come people you know.

Pay It Forward:

Accept help from others, and help others on your way. Be the kind of person who you truly want to be without withholding and discouraging others. Don't discount the little things. Even if you just donate a few dollars or smiles at someone along the way, recycle, or contribute your talent to help a charity organization in some small way. All of little things will make you feel helpful, useful, and will change the way construct the "big picture" of your life.

How can Feng Shui Help You?

"Feng Shui" helps you to create a beautiful and organized environment so that you feel happy, comfort, and more serene. When you are at your peak, your creativity flow to you and you are able to focus on create the life you want.

Be Responsible:

Remember not to blame the current state of affairs. When you keep seeking to improve yourself and your interview skills rather blaming economy, you will get what you truly desired.

I have asked many hiring managers and successful job seekers and I found out that the two most important points in seeking work, are to be an active listener to find out employer's true issues and to be an effective problem solver.

Don't complain that your boss under pays you, rather, take responsibility to find out what your boss needs most from you and work hard to make your contributions known!

If you are business owner, how you can improve your products and help your customers; your business will FLOURISH. One way is to increase your products by expanding your product line to assist customers in having everything they need from one supplier.

Many times in the past, when I went to buy electronic products, I appreciated that the salesperson asked me about my needs and took the time to find the RIGHT product. They were successful in up selling and cross sales. They were able to sell me something I truly needed, but was unaware of the existence of the product.

Hope and Patience

If you believe in something and take action every day, you will be able to reach your goals. The most important thing is to take one little step at a time, adjust your course of action, and keep trying. If you truly have to get out of a situation, you can't find a permanent solution, and you are impatient, try to take a temporary solution. By doing so you are able to create a serene environment to regain control, think clearly again, and to find a permanent solution. Don't rush into a "quick fix" solution, and avoid the right path in the process.

The world economy is changing all the time. If you are seeking work, focus on how you can be proactive in finding work you are passionate about rather than just getting a job. Don't let the "I have to find a job now" syndrome derail you in finding what makes you happy. In addition, when looking for work, remember, not to badmouth or complain about your last boss or position complaints such as this hurt you more than help you.

The Federal government is giving away a lot of new grants for individuals as well as small businesses. You may be surprised that how it can help you. Research these grants and see if there is money out there to help you. You may find money to start a new business started or money to help expand your current business.

If you still need more inspiration, read the 30 under 30 from inc magazine.